mesin pencari

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

she cried when I said LOVE "dya"

when last valentina day, I gave something to dya. That something is ornament of hair. I hope can to comforted her heart n opened her life for me.

I wasn't ready for hand over that, because i don't have a courage for speak with her. but i tried for brave to face her. and i have my courage at 2 day after valentine day and i came to her home and gave  my something special to her.

but she refused my gift and she asked to me "( what is you're reason ? and why you give me this somethings ? )" but i answered "( i give this something for u because I LOVE YOU )".

And because she listened my reason, she gave that something special from me and i felt so happy because she gave my prize.

And she cried when i said "i promise to you, i will love you forever" .

1 komentar:

  1. so sweet :)
    don't forget to give ('s) for valentine's day and give (s) for 2 days :)
    good luck :)
